January 29, 2016

today was the day that DirecTV came out to see about doing an upgrade.  It didn't happen!  The technician, Ashley, could not communicate with the satellite She tried several possible sites but the trees were just to tall and blocked the line of sight for the dish to the satellite.  Anne agreed to getting the trees topped but another technician is going to come out for a second opinion.  Then it will require a call to someone to come top the trees. unless we can call and find out if cable comes out this far.  So we still have an option, maybe.

Jill and Victor went to the apartment and were able to get some measurements so Jill can figure out what furniture she can actually move into her new place.  The big move is next Saturday and I will be here to help her out.  Then I am going to head home the next weekend.  She and her mom are not anxious for me to leave, but I will be back out in April on my way to Alaska.  Then again in the fall when Patty and Kristi come out.

Anne will not let me record her when she tells some family history, makes her to nervous and she can't get her thought together.  So she might tell me some of them and let me write them out for her as long as I space them so she has plenty of room to make changes or add thoughts that she didn't give me originally.  Hopefully I can start tomorrow.  I would really like to play a sneaky trick and record as well and write it out for her.  As long as he doesn't catch on I might be able to get away with it.

She just told me about a time when she went to Elkhead to visit mom.  they were just kids and went out into someone peach grove and picked a peach to eat.  They were very good and the peach juice ran right down their chins.

Also when in Florida she would go out in the orange groves and pick oranges to peel and eat.  Might have been trees that Aunt Buje had on her property.

No sewing today, or at least not enough to talk about.  I did the top stitching on a Pansy potholder.  It turned out very cute.  I have one more of that pattern to make.  I think I might add another layer of warm and natural and it just feel think enough to do much good.  However, I did use it to take bread out of the oven and I didn't burn my hand.  So the layer of insilbright and warm and natural must have been enough


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