Grand Adventure 1-28-16

The Grand Adventure of 2016
January 28, 2016

Yesterday was mostly spent quietly at home doing not much of anything.  I made a few calls regarding the power cord for the sewing machine.  Looks like I might be able to get one at the Quality Sewing Machine and Vacuum store next door to Joann"s.  So after Bible study on our way back home we will stop and check that out.

Bible study is at 11:00 in Burlington and I know Anne enjoys her time with the ladies and is anxious for me to meet them so it will be interesting.  Anne has requested I take my tatting with me as long as I do not work on it during the actual study time.  She thinks some of the ladies will find it interesting and remind them of long ago days and moms and grandmas who might have tatted back in the day.

We went to Mount Vernon Cafe & Lounge for steak supper last nigh.  the steak was wonderful and tender we had a salad.  I had a couple of drinks to go with my dinner and my bill was only $16.00, the waitress/bartender was phenomenal so I left her the rest of a $20.00 as a tip.  She worked with Anne to find her a drink that she would like.  after dinner we came on home as it was getting dark.

On Tuesday we went to Anacortes to the fabric shop and a bookstore. On the way saw the most beautiful picture of the mountains with a cloud.

 I bought three pieces of fabric for potholders and three books.  One for Kathel's birthday, one for Asher's birthday and a poetry book for me.  The poetry book is a new author, Mary Oliver.  I have never read any of her work and what I have read so far I like.  She is writing in free verse and short poems so that works great for me.  I also have one of her study books as a reference book.

After shopping we went to Anthony's for lobster again.  The second time this trip.  The lobster was on special $19.95 and runs until February 11.  I am sure we will be going back for more before it is over and goes back to the regular price.

Bible study was interesting.  The ladies were just finishing up the last of Ephesians.  All of the ladies were kind and greeted me with enthusiasm.  Bible study lasted about two hours with lots of discussion about the armour of God and how it was related to the armour of the Romans as a picture for the people for better understanding.

From there we went to lunch at a nice Italian restaurant.  Had a four course meal for $!7.30, I am still full three hours later.

After lunch we went to the Sewing Machine and Vacuum repair store to see about a power cord for a sewing machine that was loaned to me and, yay,  they had one that fits for only $10.00.  Hopefully I can get some sewing done tomorrow, have fabric to make Anne a blouse, fabric for Maybel and Haylea, potholder fabric, Seahawk  fabric for a blanket for Jill, and fabric for some 18 inch doll dresses.  Think I am good on project for now.  I also picked up some more cotton for dishcloths and potholders.

Of course it was another $100 shopping trip to Joann's.  it is time to stop buying fabric and start sewing as I have spent over $300 on fabric so far and I have only been here about 14 days.  At least I shouldn't have to buy any more this trip and I have lots to help stay busy.  If I can get away from Anne and our nonstop talking about family stories.  Which are just the best!

I called DirecTV and got Anne set up  with two new receivers.  One for her bedroom which she hasn't had before.  So hopefully this will help her move back to her bed for sleeping.  She seems to be happy with that arrangement as long as she can get good reception in the bedroom without cutting our any more tree branches.

I have eaten way to many carbs on this trip so far and I am not getting in the walking I was hoping for.  I could go down stairs and ride the stationary bike too.  It was very rainy this morning and I really didn't have an opportunity to get out wan walk and by the time we got home it was to dark.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get in at least the half mile up Little Mountain.


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