The Lupton Festival

One summer when the Festival in Lupton was happening Frank and George went for a little fun.  The festival had a lot of games to play to test your skills.  One of them was a pitching game/  You pitched a ball at a row of monkeys to knock them down.  When you knocked down three you won a prize.  Well Frank decided to try his hand at pitching, he knew he was a good pitcher and was sure he could knock down the required monkeys to win his prize.  So he paid his money and stepped up to throw his pitch.  Woosh and the monkey went over, and stood back up!  How could that be? He knew he hit it square and he saw it go over and yet it was standing up.  He tried again.  Wound up for his pitch and woosh went the ball, down went the monkey and then right back up again. Now he knew it wasn’t his pitching.  He knew he hit that monkey square and it certainly should not be standing up.  So one more time.  He stepped back, wound up for his pitch and threw the fastest ball he had.  Down went the monkey…. And this time it stayed down and Frank won his prize.


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