A Day at the farm.

It was a great day today.  Eric, Maddy, Coryn and Kyra came up for the day.  We had a cook out and the kids went for rides on the husky and played in the pond.  Maddy, Kyra and Coryn all got in a kayak for the very first time.  No one tipped over and they were all very confident in the kayak.  Coryn loved the paddle boat and insisted that mommy and daddy both get on with her.

I took all the kids on a ride on the husky and then turned them loose.  They had a blast and covered the property exploring the only cravat we have is that they don't drive on the aunt and uncle's property unless they are being beckoned by one of them.  I also told them they could drive anywhere on the property that the husky wousld go.  Coryn wanted to drive but she is just way to short she couldn't even reach the gas pedal.

Coryn was fearless in the water.  She did even mind walking in the muck, but at least no one ended up with a leech on them.   With her water wings she was out in the middle of the pond doing the dog paddle.  She was a fish out there.  They were all chasing turtles and frogs but didn't catch any any.  It was a blast watching them in pond.

Martha was on her best behaviour and didn't act like a fool at all today.  We weren't sure it was going to end up this way but so glad it did.  Martha did act like she was going to be sick earlier but she laid down for half an hour and was find the rest of the day.


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