So What, you say!

June 5, 2016

Sorry folks but this post is going to be a bitch session!  I need to let off some steam and no one wants to hear what I have to say or how I feel.  So looks like it will be you but you can at least skip this post and wait until the next time.

It seem the CEO is pulling the string again.  She has decided that I should not be included in my dads next doctor appointment.  And unfortunately dad has ask that I not go as he doesn't want to get beat up anymore by her.  Yesterday it was my nephew"s baseball game.  She decided I didn't need to go to that either, would have meant riding with her and dad over to Harrison, so she let Sherry know that I was not to be included.  In fact she told Sherry I was the worst trouble maker in the family.  That she could line up a whole lot of people from this area that would agree with her and that I talked to about her.  Sherry told her to line them up!  Of course she had to back down on that.  It seems that her son and I are at the top of her hate list.  She also said I never ever did anything for her and dad.  That the only meals that I have taken over were made by Ruth.  Wonder where she thinks the groceries came from!  she doesn't even realize that a lot of the groceries that Sherry uses to fix meals comes right from my cupboards.  But I don't do anything for them at all.  

I can't even have a response to any attacks she make against me because then it is construed that I am trying to antagonize her.  Where she is concerned I am damned if I do and dammed if I don't, sometimes life just ins't fair.  Makes me want to return to Washington and the sanity of that family and I know they are not perfect either.

So enough of that!  On to other things.

Looks like it is getting to rain and we have thunderstorms in the forecast.  I would love a rip roaring thunderstorm to happen and see the wildness and feel the force of the storm.  I know I am crazy but what can I save I love a good thunderstorm, without the tornado's.

And her son did not show up after all.  He decided to wait until tomorrow when she is gone.  We certainly wish some of her family would step up and help us out with their mother but it is very plain to us they really want nothing to do with her.  How sad her own family can't stand her.


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