February 24, 2016
Mount Vernon, WA

My last night has arrived.  Tomorrow I leave to go home.  It has been a long vacation and it will be nice to get home for a few weeks then I will be right back out here.

After we left Deception Pass we stopped for a snack.  Kathy talked me into having a fish taco.  I have never had one as it just did not sound appealing to me but in fact it was very tasty.  They made it with deep fried halibut, lettuce and tomato.  I think I might even have one again.

We arrived at Jill's about 4:30 and I was exhausted, ready to go to bed.  Jill still had flute ensemble so she took off to pick up the other members.  I was sleeping when she got back but she accidentally woke me up.  Victor was able to put the futon down so I actually had a flat bed.  It didn't take long and I was out again.

Yesterday morning I was up and had breakfast with Jill at 5:30, I think.  I went back to bed and slept until 9:30 when I got up and got dressed.  I thought Anne was going to pick me up but she had confused the days so I spent the day at Jill's apartment.  She and Victor arrived about 4:00 to finish removing stuff from the storage unit.  After two loads we went to dinner and Victor dropped me at Anne's on his way back to the camp grounds where he is staying.

I have enjoyed getting to know him he is very interesting.  He is a musician playing multiple instruments.  He came to Washington to study music at Bellingham.  He is originally from Montana.  He lives in his camper most of the year as a camp ground host which is something I am interested in doing.  During the cold weather he goes back to Montana to visit with his family.  His family has a 320 acre working farm, he helps out with the harvest in the fall for a few weeks too.

Today was a quiet day at home.  I packed up a box and mailed it back home.  It was mostly books and some fabric.  Stuff that wasn't going to fit in my suitcase and I didn't want to carry.  I will have my suitcase, two carry on bags and my purse.  So lighter will be better for all the carrying I will have to do.  There is no checking my luggage through so I will be responsible for getting it on and off the train.


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