Fish Shanty

Fish Shanty

It was during the long winter of  1955 and we were living in a cabin in Lupton, MI.  Daddy was still working in Flint and always came up on his days off to be with us. 

 On one of his weekends, before he left to go back to work, he told mom he was going down to the shanty for an hour or so to fish.  I remember the smell of that old canvas shanty to this day.   It was so dark inside and yet the  light coming through the big hole in the ice was very bright.  I can still hear the hiss of the kerosene heater that was used to keep it warm.  We could look through that hole and watch some fish swim by, but we had to sit very still and that wasn't fun.  

This particular day daddy went to the shanty for some quiet fishing.  I am sue he sat there just waiting for some big Fish to swim into his view and then he would throw his spear in hopes of impaling a fish for dinner.  He was in luck as he was able to spear four pike.  


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