
 I found this attempt to write a Tritina which I wrote in 2005. The dark, dreary days of winter approach Not even the wonder of snow can inspire The spirits of the season seem always adrift  The winter winds sends papers adrift Tossing and turning and difficult to approach  The bright twinkling lights attempt to inspire My soul reaches for the heights to inspire  My spirit.  The season it leaves me adrift  As the ever dark days do approach. What need I approach, to keep me inspired, and not leave my soul adrift.

The Unloved Women

The Unloved Woman I stood there at the foot of her bed looking at her and wondering what in her life had made her the bitter old woman that she was.  I am sure it is not where she wanted to be, I know that she wanted to be loved by someone.  Not even her children cared enough to come sit by her side as she laying dying.  I was here and it was not out of a since of duty or love.  Just a concern that no one, no matter how ugly they had been during their life needed to spend their final moments alone. She had made my life a living hell the last few years as she tried her utmost to separate my family one by one.  She had already destroyed her own family as could be seen because they all refused to come be with her in her final hours.  Again, it was left up to me and I can’t say that I was very happy to be in this position.  But how sad it was to see here alone with not a soul in her family who cared enough to come sit with her during her final hours.  I keep asking myself why I wa


There is a ghost living at my house and he can be as quiet as a mouse. but he can be a trickster too and often likes to drop a shoe. When is comes to planting time he hides the seeds so you can't find. I smell the fires he sometimes starts And though I search both high and low There is no fire I can find. Just the smell of burning logs. When it comes to evening time I smell the fire of olden times.
 Paper Doll Tears If only you would look in the box in the hall under the attic stairs. You would find paper dolls With gold and flaxen hair. The bodies may be worn and them clothes torn and you can see the traces of tears  on their faces. The paper dolls you see how sad they look with tear stains on their cheeks For the many years  they have lain here waiting to be spied by a child inside who will again dress them with care. When at last they are loved The sadness will pass and the paper doll’s tears will at last disappear. 8-10-2007
Quote from Stephen Grellet "We shall pass this way on Earth but once,  if there is any kindness we can show,  or good act we can do,  let us do it now,  for we will never pass this way again."  

In the quiet of the day

 Every morning in the quiet of the day My mind races with things I might say. There was an explosion in my head Of many things I left unsaid. I wonder if I could ever share Those images my mind did snare.


Finished my first pair of mittens in five years.  They will go into the donation box.  I am sure that some young girl will be happy to get them.  They are small and I am not sure they will fit and adult.  But whoever gets them should be happy with them.  I am considering joining a mitten mystery knit-a-long.  It has already started but they are only on clue two and I am sure I can catch up, also, it looks like they are only making one mitten at a time.  At least by starting out behind I have an idea of what the pattern is looking like and maybe pick different yarn colors.  Since I am trying to work from my stash I don't always have a good selection of colors to work with.  But I will make what I have work for this project. It has been another cold day here.  The last I looked it was still -6 degrees outside. Glad I don't have to go anywhere.  Karyn even made and delivered my dinner!  Beef and broccoli over rice it was excellent, and I expect she will be making it.  She said she